When + Where

March 20 • 7-11 pm
Kellogg Hotel + Conference Room (Michigan State University)


Justin Flynn is our most recent recruit from  the National Collegiate Landscape Competition. Justin joined our team as an Associate Landscape Architect in the summer of 2017 after interning with us for two summers while completing his degrees at North Dakota State University. His green-design projects range from commercial design and green roofs to site restoration and water management. He regularly works with developers in the design of large-scale master planned communities.

“My internship at David J. Frank was remarkable. Not only did I have fun, I got to collaborate on projects I had a desire to work on. I probably left the 3-month  internship with more practical landscape architecture knowledge than I learned in 3 years of school. Working at DJF has been a hoot! I get to work on the coolest projects with the coolest group of people.”

Watch what it’s like to work at southeastern Wisconsin’s premier, award-winning landscape contractor and the 12th largest in the Midwest.