
The client! His commitment to horticulture and landscaping excellence is inspiring. Collaboration with this client has made his vision come true.

Favorite Element

The focal point of the landscape, the English rose garden, home to over four dozen hybrid T classic varieties.


It takes multi-season care to manage the rose garden. A winter protection program, which is essential, is combined with a summer spray program and pruning program to ensure they always look excellent.

Annual flower displays are changed out three times per year. However, the client wants to enjoy each season of flowers as long as possible, so we order plantings that are mature enough to look good at the beginning, but not too mature to be overgrown at the end.  During the season, constant fertilizing and pruning make sure all plantings are healthy and vibrant.

Tree care is essential but challenging because of the ash trees.  Some are on a yearly plan of removal and some are treated for the emerald ash borer to keep the fall color display. Arborists constantly manage the entire ground’s canopy to ensure health, shape, and that enough sunlight reaches the plants below.

Extra time is taken to hand prune necessary plants.  It takes several skilled technicians to take care of the numerous types of plants on site.

The client prefers paving and stone materials look clean but slightly weathered, so each year we tuck point stone and brick.  We make sure all grout is intact but do not remove efflorescence from the paving so that it also has a weathered look.  All paving is cleaned to remove algae and organic matter so it is clean (but not too clean for the client’s liking).

Best Adjective to Describe This Property

Immaculate is a must.

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Camp Johnson
Getting this distinctive modern-style landscape in northern Wisconsin to look as if it flowed right into the house and that the garden and landscape appear as one from the inside was far from easy.
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Ethereal Oasis
The client loves to randomly buy plants and leave them for our crew to install without direction, challenging them to use their creativity to captivate her. Our crew never knows what unusual requests await them.
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Located on a busy road, people driving by constantly slow down to take in the idyllic magnificence and beauty of the area’s Xanadu, a 2021 Wisconsin Gold Medal winner for Residential Landscape Maintenance.
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Candlewick is the clients’ name for their prized property, the gem of their suburban countryside neighborhood. It’s also now a 2021 Wisconsin Landscape Contractors Association Gold Medal winner for Residential Landscape Maintenance.